Qmee has some great cashback offers where you can earn money back from shopping online, or starting a free trial for a product or service! Head to our ‘Cashback’ tab to check them out.
To receive cashback from an offer shown on Qmee, you must have gone through to the brand’s website (that the offer is for) by clicking on the offer when logged in to your Qmee account.
When you’ve chosen the offer you’d like to take part in, just click on the button titled ‘Go to cashback’ – this will then take you to the brand’s website and ensure you’ve followed the correct link to get there. See where the buttons are below in the yellow squares on desktop and mobile.
When the brand recognises that you’ve completed the offer (e.g. by making a purchase, signing up for a trial etc) and that you followed the Qmee cashback link, your offer will show up in your account as ‘pending’.
Once the advertiser has reviewed your transaction and confirmed the correct actions were taken, they’ll approve your offer. Once an offer has been approved, the brand will pass your reward onto us so that we can then give it to you. The offer will show up as ‘approved’ in your account.
Sometimes, you may think you have completed an offer, and it didn’t show up in your account. This can be because you searched a brand’s website yourself and didn’t go through the Qmee offer, or used another cashback provider’s link after clicking on the offer on Qmee. If this happens, the brand will not associate your purchase with Qmee. Unfortunately, in these situations, even if you fulfil the requirements of the offer, we will not receive the payment from the brand to pass onto you and you won’t receive the reward.
To sum up, it’s super important to click on the ‘Go to cashback’ (desktop), or ‘Go to *brand name*’ (mobile) buttons when trying to earn cashback. If you search a brand’s website yourself, or use another provider’s link after clicking on the offer on Qmee, you will not receive the reward.