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Bingo Vacation - Bingo Games

Earn up to $79.74!

Dive into endless bingo fun and win big!

Earn a total of $79.74 when you download Bingo Vacation - Bingo Games & complete steps 1-6 within 30 days of installing. Get a partial reward for completing each step, so you can complete up to any step to earn!

  1. Earn 11¢ when you reach Level 10.
  2. Earn 46¢ when you reach Level 20.
  3. Earn $3.44 when you purchase any $4.99 Package.
  4. Earn $3.44 when you reach Level 30.
  5. Earn $14.92 when you reach Level 50.
  6. Earn $57.37 when you reach Level 70.

Play bingo across various islands and unlock amazing rewards!

Reward amounts are approximate (see terms)

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