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Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade

Earn up to £83.57!

Conquer the world & become the author of your civilization's history with Rise of Kingdoms!

Earn a total of £83.57 when you download Rise of Kingdoms & complete steps 1-10 within 25-30 days of installing. Get a partial reward for completing each step, so you can complete up to any step to earn!

  1. Earn 10p when you reach city hall level 8.
  2. Earn 28p when you get single purchase of $1.9 or more.
  3. Earn 30p when you get 100 active points in daily objectives.
  4. Earn 78p when you reach city hall level 12.
  5. Earn £1.00 when you get single purchase of $4.9 or more.
  6. Earn £2.39 when you unlock any level iii troops
  7. Earn £3.33 when you reach power 1 million.
  8. Earn £16.16 when you reach city hall level 25.
  9. Earn £23.08 when you reach power 2 million.
  10. Earn £36.13 when you unlock any level iv troops.

Introducing a New Civilization to Rise of Kingdoms: Greece!

Reward amounts are approximate (see terms).

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