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Merge Dragons

Earn up to £81.47!

Explore this magical world full of mystical creatures and make powerful objects!

Earn a total of £81.47 when you download Merge Dragons & complete steps 1-7 within 3-60 days of installing. Get a partial reward for completing each step, so you can complete up to any step to earn!

  1. Earn 16p when you reach 15 dragon power.
  2. Earn 65p when you make any purchase.
  3. Earn 98p when you reach 50 dragon power.
  4. Earn £3.25 when you reach 300 dragon power.
  5. Earn £8.13 when you reach 750 dragon power.
  6. Earn £16.26 when you reach 3000 dragon power.
  7. Earn £52.04 when you reach 5000 dragon power.

Discover mythical creatures & objects that you can combine to make powerful items!

Reward amounts are approximate (see terms).

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