Ball Sort Puzzle - Color Sort logo

Ball Sort Puzzle - Color Sort

Gagnez up to $45.70 !

Love organizing? This might be the perfect game for you!

Earn a total of $45.70 when you download Ball Sort Puzzle - Color Sort & complete steps 1-8 within 30 days of installation. Get a partial reward for completing each step, so you can complete up to any step to earn!

  1. Earn 40¢ when you reach level 50.
  2. Earn 79¢ when you complete Challenge 1.
  3. Earn $1.53 when you complete Challenge 3.
  4. Earn $3.71 when you complete Challenge 6.
  5. Earn $5.30 when you complete Challenge 9.
  6. Earn $6.89 when you complete Challenge 12.
  7. Earn $10.60 when you complete Challenge 15.
  8. Earn $15.90 when you complete Challenge 20.

Sort the colored balls in the tubes until all the same colors are together in the same tube!

Reward amounts are approximate (see terms).

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